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Q What’s the cooling method of this? 2023-03-14 16:43:07.950

Battery pack: liquid cooling

PCS: air cooling

Q What are LiFePO4 / LFP batteries? 2023-03-07 15:21:53.331

LFP stands for Lithium Iron Phosphate. Charging or discharging a battery is essentially an electrochemical process. Lithium iron phosphate indicates the chemical composition of the cathode of a battery cell.

Q Can battery storage help keep the power on during blackouts? 2023-03-07 15:16:58.620

Yes, storage can contribute to local energy security and energy resilience, especially when the batteries are paired with local power source on a community microgrid. A microgrid is a small network of customers with a local source of electricity that can be disconnected from the grid and operated independently.

During and after natural disasters and extreme weather events, all of which are becoming more frequent with climate change, battery storage can help keep essential services running and protect the most vulnerable populations as part of a community-driven climate resilience plan. When thinking about community resilience, it can be advantageous for critical infrastructure—such as police and fire stations, hospitals, cooling centers, and emergency shelters—to have rooftop solar panels and battery storage systems on site to keep the power on during an emergency.

Q What is the difference between residential and commercial energy storage system? 2023-03-07 14:53:33.370

Residential and commercial energy storage systems differ in terms of their capacity, design, and usage.

  1. Capacity: Residential energy storage systems typically have smaller capacities than commercial systems. They are designed to meet the needs of a single household or a small business, while commercial systems are designed to provide power to larger buildings and facilities.

  2. Design: Residential energy storage systems are often designed to be smaller, more compact, and more aesthetically pleasing, as they are typically installed in homes or small businesses. Commercial energy storage systems, on the other hand, are often larger and more industrial-looking, as they are installed in larger buildings or facilities.

  3. Usage: Residential energy storage systems are often used to store excess energy generated by residential solar panels for use during times when there is little or no sunlight. They can also be used to store energy from the grid during times of low demand, when electricity is cheaper, for use during times of high demand, when electricity is more expensive. Commercial energy storage systems are often used to reduce energy costs by storing excess energy during off-peak hours and using it during peak hours, as well as to provide backup power in case of an outage.

In summary, residential and commercial energy storage systems differ in their capacity, design, and usage, with residential systems being smaller and more focused on residential needs, while commercial systems are larger and designed to meet the needs of larger buildings and facilities.

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